Sunday, September 2, 2012

Narrative Writing

      Before you write the Narrative Writing, you have to understand What is Narrative Writing and How do we write the Narrative Writing?
      When writing a narrative essay, one might think of it as telling a story. These essays are often anecdotal, experiential, and personal-allowing the student to express herself/himself in a creative and quite often, moving  way.
       How to write Narrative Essays?
       Narrative Writing
       The opening section of the story must contain an interesting, enticing opening that will pull the reader into the story.
       The writer must establish a sense of setting and mood for the story.
       The writer must reveal or hint at the problem of story.
       This section of the story must be at least three paragraphs in length. Consider the action of the story and divide that into three logically selected parts.
       In this area use a transitional words or devices in the first sentence of each paragraphs.
       Introduce and describe characters. Characters may be described physically as well as by thought and dead.
       Develop the problem of the story having the story reach a climax, turning point, or point of decision.
       The conclusion of  the narrative must gave a transitional words or devices in the first sentence.
       The conclusion sums up the action and provides a definite end to the story, A moral statement may be included in the conclusion. The story does not just dribble to an end and stop. The story's problem is resolved.

       Dialogue is an important tool of narrative writers. Attention to the mechanics and paragraphing required by dialogue is important. Always begin a new paragraph when a change of speakers is observed. Use quotation marks to enclose direct quotations.
       Every narrative piece must have an appropriate title. This title is the first opportunity that the writer has to hook the reader.

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